
Welcome to MaToyaSwagher! If you are here you are either a friend, family, hater, coworker, curious, nosy, classmate, bored, a stranger, interested or an inspiration for my blog. Whatever your reason for being here, you are WELCOME. I plan to use this blog as a place to express who I am, my views on the world, my daily encounters, the things that people know about me, but most importantly the things that people may not know. I hope to grow with this blog and become an inspiration for others to express themselves. I am not sure how prolific or politically correct this blog will be, but I can guarantee that it will be me! I have been writing since the 1st grade, but was truly inspired to "launch" my blog after the Homegoing Celebration of Mrs. Nancy Howery who literally wrote her life, the highs and the lows. My other inspiration comes from teaching. Out of all of the stories, poems, and plays that I have read as an English teacher I believe that I am most inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self Reliance." If you have time or care to research him feel free to do so. His words inspire the way that I live my life and is a direct influence on me being known for speaking my mind. The following is an excerpt from Emerson's "Self Reliance:"

The other terror that scares us from self-trust is our consistency; a reverence for our past act or word, because the eyes of others have no other data for computing our orbit than our past acts, and we are loath to disappoint them.
But why should you keep your head over your shoulder? Why drag about this corpse of your memory, lest you contradict somewhat you have stated in this or that public place? Suppose you should contradict yourself; what then?
Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood---

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Damn It...I'm GREAT!

Again Welcome to MaToyaSwagher

Monday, June 22, 2009

Accept Me, Add Me, Follow Me......

Social networks...gotta love em.... Accept Me, Add Me, Follow Me......When I was first introduced to the myspace and the facebooks of the world I was ecstatic.....I was thinking......ok a new improved version of blackplanet. YIPEE. Blackplanet.com, the site that was so much fun during my undergrad years. When I was on blackplanet I kept up with all of my friends from high school, met new friends, and I had the best layout! My soror even met her now husband on blackplanet. Cyberspace is GREAT! Or is it? I forgot what blackplanet eventually became to me....I used blackplanet to snoop.... yeah I said it Snoop...hell naw to STALK! As a matter of fact I would like to take this time to thank blackplanet.com for providing information about all of the women who were a part of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Lambda Chapter from 1989-2000. Yup I used blackplanet.com to make me look good. To make it seem like I was so inquisitive, so interested...."So Yvette...I heard you like peach cobbler? Yeah that's my favorite dessert too!" LOL. "Oh Ros, you lived in Harvey? I have family in Harvey." LMAO....Now all of these responses are true, but I got all of my info from blackplanet.com. So thank you... Then there was.....drum roll PLEASE............MYSPACE... A site that was developed for artist to get discovered, ultimately became the place for your man/woman to get discovered, exposed. It is crazy I mean, we all have experienced the top 8 argument.......How many phone calls did I get that started off like this, "Did you know that nicca put her in his top 8?" "Why is that bitch ahead of me? I understand his sister and his cousin, but that bitch?" I am even guilty, "Is it any reason why I am not in your top friends?" In retrospect it sounds crazy....but does it hold any truth? Does your top friends dictate someone's relationship status.....I had one friend who went as far as eliminating all their top friends so none of his perspectives would have any fuel for the fire. Then there are the comments......Super dangerous. "Yeah I had a good time last night, hope to see you tonight." That comment would then be followed by another person saying, "So what time are you coming over tonight." The comment section fell off once users realized that they had the option to have comments approved....Whew...that saved several of us. But facebook gets the ultimate award.....I have seen all type of shit blow up on facebook. Let's see....where do I start....single, engaged to, married, its complicated, to no relationship status at all. Since when has facebook been the official place to proclaim your love? I think facebook is the ultimate jinx. Phase 1(Relationship Staus Change)X is in a relationship with Y. Phase 2(mobile uploads)- this is when a person uploads all of the pictures of them and their boo, this includes pictures taken while driving, in the mirror, with family, laying down, sleeping, eating, shiting, you name it, its captured. Phase 3 (status updates)- just in case u didnt see my pics, u will hear about me and my boo in the newsfeeds "Roses are red, violets are blue, you are the one for the week and I love you!" Now Phase 1-3 sounds great! You are cruisong on cloud 5 (Shout out to the 5 clubs) ok, back to business.....Ok u are on cloud 5 and people are commenting with scriptures from the Bible about love. Leaving comments like "You deserve it" "This is such a cute pic" "I can tell yall in love." Sounds great right? HELL NAW!!! Because there is a flipside to Phase 1-3....What is that Flipside you might ask? I have the answer....The FBI... Not the federal bureau (that is what it stands for? I think..)What is it? The FaceBook Investigators!!!! Yes we....I mean, they do exist! Phase 1 happens and that is when the investigation starts...."you know X and Y are together?" "how u know? "facebook." "you know X still talks to Z, I bet Z doesn't know." Whooooo...the FBI are rawled up now....Phase 2/3 (mobile uploads and comments) pictures are being tagged, copied, and pasted, emailed.....it can get real dirty.... I have seen it....just messy..... See but this is the ultimate test of your love...What do u do? Now Phase 4 is determined by Phase 1-3. If you let the FBI's get to you Phase 4 ends with "X went from in a relationshop to single" but if you are true to the love of your life and can withstand FB's Phase 1-3, Phase 4 will go a little like this: Newsfeed: X is now engaged to Y....and of course the status will read "All u haters didn't want to see it , yall lied on my boo, but now I am Mrs. Y!"

Thanks for Reading my first blog entry....By the way don't forget to accept me on facebook, add me on myspace.com/roundawaygirl80, and follow me on twitter.com/swagher01

It's Just Somethin About HER


  1. Ms. Marsh...this may just be your true calling! An opportunity to vent, uniterrupted? Yup, this is for you!!! Nah, you're awesome. I love the way in which you demonstrated your profound intellect...and I sho' nuffe preciated the way you got down and hood! This is why we're so damn cool...our ability to represent the best of both worlds! Good luck with your blog. May future entries be a little mo' brief; I got enough to read on a daily basis!!! Love you much...damn stalker!!!


  2. Hey Dean!!
    Welcome to the blogosphere and thanks for the shout out :)
    I'll be checking you out- you should check out my blog too- been writing on there for about a year now. I should be updating a lot about the girls soon.
    Love you much and keep inspiring!

  3. Now I have to hear your thoughts on cyberspace too! Yay. I miss you ship. you betta had put my name under besties but I need to be moved up! Ha!

  4. You always have a lot to say! This is a great venture for you to explore. Just know that I will be here to follow and comment. I had to delete my myspace page because of stalkers so I can relate! Keep up the good work Mz. Marsh :)

  5. Fabulous. Momma Nancy told me to keep writing in my journal especially when i had some not so nice thoughts about a certain comedian. any whoo.....u were so on point about these social networks. Good to know Im not stalking alone lol. I have to admit i made a big stink about not being number 1 as well. People go toooo far on facebook. The entire world does not need to know some of these not so bright individualson the level they introduce us to. way too much!! Looking forward to next time. BLOG ON SOROR!!!
